Recessed nut, metal nylon lock nut

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Ningbo Junwei Fastener Factory
Stainless steel, alloy steel, high-tensile fasteners and fittings for mechanism...
Country :China Tel: 0574-87990272
Haiyan Aright Hardware Co.,Ltd.
all kinds of Threaded Rod and By-products Threaded Rods Standard and custom products Self Tapping Screw Self Drilling Screw Machine Screw Wood S...
Country :China Tel: 86-573-86188808 , 86...
Shaoxing KDM Machinery Co., Ltd
We specialize in: -Cold forged nonstandard and special fasteners, precision components -Hot forged special fasteners -Turned parts, stamped parts, ...
Country :P.R. China Tel: +86-575-88068351
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